Kő-körök, körárkok

Misztikus körök a világban

Normanton Down Barrows-i körárok Egyesült Királyság, Wiltshire


Normanton Down Barrows
Stonehenge World Heritage Site
OS Grid: SU 11784 41273
A really striking barrow group this and is overlooked due to the vicinity of Stonehenge itself but also from ground level you can't actually make out much, you really need the aerial views to get the scale and structure of these magnificent different types of Bronze age barrows and also the correct lighting conditions as I was blessed with this for this image.
In my photo, the large barrow in the foreground is a disc barrow surrounded by several bowl barrows a bell barrow and small long barrow. The barrow in the distance is the famous bowl barrow known as the 'Bush Barrow' (small bush on the left side of it). Either side of this are two large disc barrows.
But going back to the Bush Barrow..
This barrow was excavated in 1808 by William Cunnington for Sir Richard Colt Hoare. It contained a male skeleton with a collection of funerary goods that make it "the richest and most significant example of a Bronze Age burial monument not only in the Normanton Group or in association with Stonehenge, but arguably in the whole of Britain" The items date the burial to the early Bronze Age, circa 1900 BC, and include a large 'lozenge'-shaped sheet of gold, a sheet gold belt plate, three bronze daggers, a bronze axe, a stone mace head and bronze rivets, all held by the Wiltshire Museum, Devizes.
The design of the Bush Barrow gold lozenge also suggests that it has an astronomical meaning. The acute angles of the lozenge (81°) are equal to the angle between the midsummer and midwinter solstices at the latitude of Stonehenge. When the sides of the Bush Barrow lozenge are aligned with the solstices, the long axis of the lozenge also points to the equinox sunrise. According to David Dawson, director of the Wiltshire Museum, the design and precision of the Bush Barrow lozenge shows that its makers "understood astronomy, geometry and mathematics, 4,000 years ago.
Pretty darned amazing, eh?

Lee Hiratio Walker

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